It’s Reveal Time!! Bead Peeps Swap N Hop 2018

A HUGE thank you to Linda! I absolutely love this annual hop and she is a rockstar putting it all together for us! Also, a BIG thank you to my swap partner Nadine Edris! I am so happy to have met you through this process. It has been great getting to know you and discovering your beautiful work!
Now let talk reveals… to say the last month has been hectic might be a bit of an understatement. In addition to preparing for the swap reveal, I was also assembling 20 gifts for The Artisan Group’s Annual Mother’s Day event and . Also, the hubby has started a new job which has him out the door at 5:40am Thursday-Monday and working 10+ hours a day…needless to say it’s a HUGE change in routine for us and anyone who knows me knows I give a whole new meaning to NOT A MORNING PERSON…I WILL NEVER ADJUST TO THIS CRAZY SCHEDULE!! But it’s a great opportunity for him so we are making it work.
I created these earrings immediately after opening my package! Everything came from Nadine except the brass wire and headpins. I just love the combination of green faceted glass beads and the mother of pearl delicious together! Next I started a necklace...When I started this design I was doing pretty good keeping to my deadlines but I was happy for the extra time when reveals got pushed back a bit… but last week the “ish” really started to hit the fan… On top of Mother’s Day gifts, TWO TV stylist giftings opened up, one requiring doubles and the other requiring triples AND we were allowed to grab up to TWO spots for each. I figured I was on a creative role with everything so I signed up for both times 2 adding another 10 items to be assembled with a need to ship it all by April 5 to arrive by the deadline. But hey, I’ve got this! I mean it’s only 30 items plus handwritten notes for each plus the swap designs. Is your head spinning yet?!?
So I'm sure as you look at the photo you're thinking but Kari this necklace isn't finished...and you are correct! I purchased this beautiful, colorful rhinestone chain specifically for this design BUT I forgot to purchase the connectors to attach the I'm just going to need you to to visualize with me. As soon as the ends arrive I will finish it and share photos. So at this point I'm a bit frustrated to have forgotten such a simple thing but I still have plenty more ideas brewing so I set this aside and keep moving forward.
of course my next idea was a bracelet design...I like to hit all the jewelry groups if I can with these swaps and challenges. As I was preparing to add the clasp I thought OH MY that rhinestone chain would look really great with this combination...cut my pieces...then remember I HAZ NO DAMN ENDS for this chain. Everything is still ok...more designs to move on to...then I got sick. SERIOUSLY?!? WTH!?! Doesn't life know that I'm juggling numerous deadlines and I don't have time for this?
This will be a soon as I re-wrap all the loose bead links because I made ALL the original wrap loops to small for the chain links to fit...I started this one last night thinking I could whip it up quick to have something other than the earrings completely finished for today...should have been a quick easy assembly for me but sick/headache/medicine fog and here we are. Also, can't find the filigree piece to wrap the ephemera pendant in to attach it...I know it's here some where...
or maybe here...
I don't know but I'm sure I'll find it somewhere obvious as soon as I'm not looking for it...
This was not originally a plan but while looking for all the other things I found this ephemera pendant and thought "Hey, that would look great with those beads" so... #WIP because I don't have enough of that! LOL So that's it for me this round. I will share photos once I've finished everything. Thanks again Nadine, I truly loved everything you sent and have plans for all of the other goodies you spoiled me with...some I just want to hoard for a little while.
Please take some time to check out all the other participants from the links below~Kari
You have great insights and designs in spite of your many challenges, looking forward to the completion.
Oh Kari! Your pieces will be GORGEOUS! I looooove the cupchain – it adds that extra sparkle that every piece needs. GREAT work!
A special thanks to YOU for your help, encouragement and listening ear. You’ve been a real trooper, voice of reason and help – couldn’t do it without you!
Love the earthy colours.. great necklace. Well done Kari
Love what you have going so far – great boho colors!
Whoa! Those glorious earthy colours get my head all excited and happy! Can’t wait to see that necklace finished.