5th Annual Bead Peeps Swap N Hop...It's Reveal Time!
Welcome Peeps! It's time for the 5th annual Swap N Hop reveals. Anyone who knows me, knows this is one of my favorite swap/design challenges to participate in. This year has been a bit more challenging for me with several obstacles thrown in my way and a hectic family life but I did manage to complete 4 designs...most done yesterday...nothing like 11th hour inspiration! Now let's get to the fun.
My partner this year was Sarah Reid of Sarah Reid Designs. Sarah is from Canada and creates beautiful jewelry, including some fantastic mix-media designs.
All the delicious goodies Sarah sent me to play with. Inspired by the Northern Lights, she even included one of her special hand painted charms in the mix.
It also included a selection of coordinated gemstones and crystals perfectly representing the sparkle of the sky.

I absolutely love these elephant charms! When I first opened the package I knew they had to be combined with the rings...I tried them with several bead combinations but kept coming back to the mismatched howlite combination. I decided to add some half coated metallic crystals from my stash for a touch of sparkle.

I've been working on my photos, especially with the white background. I decided to try the swap photos with a new set up and I think I may be on to something good here! Photos have been such a frustration lately, it's really nice to finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with it.

These little leaf looking silver beads seemed perfect for earrings and crystals added the perfect colorful sparkle!

I kept picking up this flower bead, setting it out on the bead mat with some of the crystals and gemstones but I couldn't quite find the right combination until yesterday. The crystals and filigree bead are from my stash. I created the tassel pendant and put it on a simple chain. It's really sparkly, yet simple design is perfect!

One more photo to show another side of the bead. It has really lovely flowers and leaves all the way around.

My last piece is a bracelet using the gorgeous charm Sarah hand painted. A touch of coordinated gemstones, pearls and crystals from the swap goodies completes this gorgeous, yet simple piece!
Thank you Sarah! I loved my bead package with it's inspiring and beautiful colors and goodies! A huge thank you to our hostess, Linda Anderson! She does a wonderful job bringing us all together for this annual event. I hope you'll take some time to visit the other participants listed below and check out what they created!
Linda Anderson http://www.instagram.com/cherryontopdesign
jeanne parker http://www.instagram.com/silverwoodstudio
Fay Wolfenden http://beadsbitsbaubles.blogspot.com
Teri Del Signore http://instagram.com/artisticaos_studio
Natalie Davidson http://www.northshoredays.com/
Tammy Adams http://www.paisleylizard.com/blog/
Shai Williams http://www.shaihasramblings.com/
Rozantia Petkova http://bairozan.blogspot.com/
Kari Asbury https://www.facebook.com/kariasburyjewelry/
Sarah Reid http://www.instagram.com/sarahreiddesigns
Robin Reed http://www.facebook.com/artistryhcbd
Divya N http://www.jewelsofsayuri.com
Samantha Jones https://www.facebook.com/Arm-Candy-by-Sam-1735179996705639/
andrea frank https://www.instagram.com/andreazeef/
Inge von Roos https://ingetraud.wordpress.com
Lois Sherwood http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadPeeps.
Valarie Dunsmore http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadpeeps.
Marde Lowe http://www.instagram.com/mardel1947
Raquel Rosario http://facebook.com/seaglassparadisetreasures
gloria allen https://www.facebook.com/GloriaAllenDesigns
Leah Schneider http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadPeeps
Cheri Mitchell-Reed https://www.facebook.com/creativedesignsbycheri
Kathy Lindemer https://bay-moon-design.blogspot.com/
Jennifer Strehler http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadpeeps
Terry Jeanette Carter https://tappingflamingo.blogspot.com
Cynthia O'Toole https://www.facebook.com/Sparkles-and-Sweets-211404598956160/
Christina Hickman https://www.instagram.com/laughingsalmon/
Cindy Peterson https://www.facebook.com/howlingdogjewelry
Hope Smitherman http://CraftyHope.com
Bonnie Robbins https://www.instagram.com/brobbins_wireandwonder/
Sarah Auerbach http://www.jewelrybecause.com
Catherine La Vite http://drygulchbeadsandjewelry.blogspot.com/
Nadine Edris https://www.facebook.com/moondancejewelrymaine/
michelle marson https://www.instagram.com/ellecountry/
Kristina Peck https://tealeavesandtinyhats.blogspot.com
Seed Beaders
Dora Oresic https://m.facebook.com/nakitich/
Krafty Max http://www.kraftymax.net
Susanne Stelljes https://www.facebook.com/sbeadz/
Penny Houghton https://www.instagram.com/forgottentrack/
naomi knafla https://www.instagram.com/naomiknafla/
Heather Faaborg https://www.facebook.com/heather.faaborg
Marcy Roll http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadPeeps
Renetha Stanziano https://lamplightcrafts.blogspot.com/
Krafty Max http://www.kraftymax.net
Tina Hemr http://instagram.com/mariecaroldesigns
Kelly Rodgers http://beadinblacknblue.blogspot.com
Shannon Luthy https://www.facebook.com/BeYoutifulBeads207/
Marianne Baxter http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadpeeps
Heather Canepa http://www.instagram.com/canepaheather
Sue wagner https://www.facebook.com/SueZeeBracelets/
Deborah Apodaca http://www.deborahapodacadesigns.blogspot.com
Barbara Harbuck http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadPeeps
Very nice pieces. My favorite is the pendant. Thank you for helping with the hop. Great fun!
Mismatched is my favorite way – there are these nice ladies at craft shows who always point out the “mistake” to me, ha-ha :) The tassel focal is beautiful with a lot of sparkle and movement and the bracelet is gorgeous!
Great job Kari!!! I always Love your designs!!! Elephants seem to be a theme this year. All of your designs are unique and I don’t really have a favorite!!!
Pretty designs and colors!
Sooo proud of you! Your pieces are delightful! I LOVE the bracelet! It’s so cute! And the mismatched earrings are sublime. Thank you for your help, wisdom and advice. I couldn’t have done it without you! 💙💜💚